The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

The Dariencast now officially the most influential podcast of all time

Gamasutra is ripping us off, what with their article about licenced games and its mention of — what? — DuckTales on the NES as an example of a good licenced product. I’d like to thank the whole world for liking the podcast enough that even the legitimate press is stealing from us.

April 12th, 2008 Posted by | Games, Meta-meta | no comments

Surprise Dariencast update!

Episode Four is fully-formed and waiting for your attention even as we speak. It’s shorter than episode three was, but, then, what isn’t?

If you want your cheap Taiwanese iPod knock-off to surprise you with new Dariencasts whenever we arbitrarily update, then you’ll want to feed it this syndication feed.

April 5th, 2008 Posted by | Meta-meta | no comments

New GameFAG: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

I have wroten this review of a game I have enplayed. Some of it will be familiar to you if you’ve read any of the bile I’ve spewed in the blog, but I go into a bit more detail. Also, I talk about the good parts in addition to the bits that pissed me off. So I guess it’s more fair and balanced.

February 8th, 2008 Posted by | Games, Meta-meta | no comments

Small Man gear available!

Since I felt like it, I threw a few precious minutes of my life away on fighting with Cafepress to make this store filled with crap gear featuring the much-beloved Ellipsis episode of Small Man Comics. So there you are. You could spend your $14,995+s/h in worse ways, I’m sure.

February 8th, 2008 Posted by | Meta-meta, Small Man Comics | 2 comments

Dariencast go!

So Evil Stephen and I finally got off (on?) our lazy asses and recorded another mammoth, epic-length Dariencast for your listening pleasure. We didn’t really want to miss the entire year of 2007, so we shoehorned this one in at the last minute. Feel free to leave whiney comments about how we’re providing you with entirely too much free entertainment – it wouldn’t be a Dariencast update otherwise.

Oh, and I promised in the podcast that this link would be available in this announcement. If you read this blog regularly, you’ve freaking seen that already. Not that I’m implying that it’s insufficiently awesome to see over again.

December 24th, 2007 Posted by | Games, Meta-meta | no comments

Reviews wroten. World saved.

Got a few new reviews up over in the ol’ GameFAGs. I wrote one for Super Mario Galaxy (which is not just a cut-and-paste of shit I’ve said in the blog), and Dave wrote an epic-length hardcore 20,000-word review of Sid Meier’s Pirates. My new goal in life is to make a game that pisses Dave off so much he writes an entire Edda about it.

December 21st, 2007 Posted by | Games, Meta-meta | one comment

No more bitching

So today I wrote a baseball post AND a food post AND a video game post. So that should make everybody happy.

Because you know I believe that.

As an added bonus, I’ve finally noticed that this theme was lacking in page navigation. So I haXX3d some in, because I’m uber.

October 29th, 2007 Posted by | Meta-meta | one comment

Now appearing: The Dord of Darien

I’m pretty sure I know how you are. You sit around all day, reloading my world-famous web site, thinking to yourself “damn, I wish Darien would write more.” Well guess whose prayers just got the shit answered out of themselves? I’m crapping out this basically-valueless blog because I sometimes want to write something that’s too irrelevant or too ephemeral for the main site. Sometimes I put them there anyhow, but that’s not the point. Now anytime I want to blather about anything, hey, I have this thing. If you’re new here, check out the About page for more sweary nonsense that probably won’t get you any closer to understanding what this is about.

September 25th, 2007 Posted by | Meta-meta | no comments