Campaign Finance
We’re now, what, nine days from the election? So all the usual election year bullshit is pitching up toward fever right now. I’m hearing a lot of cruft about "campaign finance reform" this year, including the call to move to public funding for campaigns. This will apparently make politics "more fair."
First off, I’d just like to say that no fucking way do I want my tax dollars used to pay for the reelection of my scumbag senators, so all you public funding assholes can just go fuck yourselves. And just in case I didn’t swear enough to indicate how much distaste I have for that idea, I’d like to add this: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Next, I have to ask you people why on earth you want to get money out of politics. You do realise that money is your voice, right? That if you remove money from politics by passing bullshit laws, all that means is that the people in power have a way easier time of staying in power? Seriously. Why do you think that Campaign Reform Act was "Bipartisan?" No points for guessing it’s because the people it benefits are 1) fat-cat Republicans, and 2) fat-cat Democrats. Contrary to what John McCain wants you to think, there won’t be any real "mavericks" getting into high office under McCain-Feingold, since, hey, guess what? That just means the parties that already have the most members and the most exposure have an easier time of getting more. That makes life rather difficult for the Libertarians, the Green Party, the Bible Constitution Party, the Whigs, the Anti-Masonic Party, but not, to be sure, the "Connecticut For Lieberman Party."