The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

The zombie apocalypse begins

Courtesy of the best hackers ever, road signs around the country are warning people of the zombie invasion that’s clearly already in progress. I knew the midwest was under zombie attack, but the news that Texas was being infiltrated by Nazi zombies is new to me. As you probably already know, I have a history of taking a stand against Nazis, so I’m taking this latest revelation seriously.

How serious is the zombie epidemic becoming?

Pretty damn serious.

February 5th, 2009 Posted by | Bullshit | no comments

The strong arm of the law

So I guess the government has given up on harassing and intimidating Greg Anderson’s relatives and is just going to attempt to push its case against Barry Bonds without him. The problem is, of course, that without Anderson, it’s a matter of the government insisting that Bonds is a liar because, hey, look at all these other dudes who think he’s a liar. And still their strongest piece of evidence is a near-positive recorded statement of Anderson saying he injected Bonds with the Clear, which, as I’ve mentioned before, wasn’t illegal or classified as a steroid at the time Bonds said he wasn’t taking steroids.

This just gets better and better, folks.

February 5th, 2009 Posted by | Baseball | no comments