While we’re on the subject
Joe Posnanski has written an excellent column about his Hall of Fame choices. There are a few I don’t agree with (Barry Larkin, Alan Trammell, Dale Murphy) and one I’m still stubbornly resisting even though I’m hearing enough good arguments that I’m definitely reconsidering (Robbie Alomar), but it’s a good article nonetheless. Curiously, my yes list — Bert Blyleven, Tim Raines, Mark McGwire, and Edgar Martinez (who I’ve decided since writing my last HoF post is definitely deserving) — is all players Posnanski also votes yes on, leading me to believe that maybe I just have tighter, more small-Hall standards. Which is fine.
Even when I don’t agree with Posnanski — which, given his predilection for weird cherry-pick "combo" things, like his "played 2000 games with a .310-or-better average and a .400-or-better OBP, which is, like, really really arbitrary, is fairly often — he still writes insightfully and respectfully. I mean, sorry, Joe, I still don’t think Alan Trammell should be in the Hall, but you’ve given me a new way of thinking about him. And that’s something, innit?