The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

This is exactly what I’m talking about

Back when I said this, this was the exact sort of thing I had in mind. See, I’m playing this word association game on the ‘tubes, and the word it throws is "vi." Which isn’t a word, but never mind that. So I checked the stats on that word, and this is what I see:

4 == VI

You see how the second-most-popular association to VI is "4?" That’s IV, assholes. VI is 6. This is why I’m declaring the end of roman numerals.

Oh, added comedy. Here’s the "associated from" list:

From VI

Good job, nerds. I mean, yeah, that’s what I said, too. Once it told me that "pico" isn’t a word.

May 6th, 2010 Posted by | Bullshit | no comments

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