The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

It’s alive! Aliiiiiiive!

The PS3 is now outselling the Xbox 360 in Europe. The PS3 has always been outselling the 360 in Japan. So now there’s just North America left before Microsoft has no choice but to go sit in the corner and sulk and think about what it’s done to end up with a third-place finish after a sixteen-month lead time.

I picture Microsoft as the hero in a zombie movie and Sony as the zombies. Sony was dead and buried and Microsoft and its girlfriend were getting cozy and snuggly, but then some sort of voodoo or magic bugs or Hollywood radiation got involved, and before you know it Microsoft is futilely beating the risen Sony with an axe handle and screaming "WHY WON’T YOU DIE??"

The twin facts that a) this story interested me and 2) I made that analogy are going a long way toward convincing me that I play too many video games.

May 8th, 2008 Posted by | Games | no comments

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