The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

Wait, what?

So I hear on notoriously terrible web site Kotaku that the new Assassin’s Creed game on the PS3 is apparently about killing Chief Justice Roberts in retribution for the Citizens United decision.

Never mind how terrible that article is — it’s goddamn Kotaku. Of course it’s uninformed and mincingly hip. Just focus on the fact that Ubisoft has actually included a plot point as stupid as that in a video game. That’s pretty fucked up right there.

November 19th, 2010 Posted by | Games | 3 comments


  1. That article is only vaguely comprehensible but I don’t think killing Roberts is a plot point in the game. Instead I think it’s indicated that he’s a Templar stooge. Or something.

    As for that plot point being stupid, I think you have confused stupid for flat out AWESOME. The best part of the second AC game was how it managed to tie every single conspiracy theory ever into its overall even nuttier conspiracy theory and then somehow mix it all into a blender. This seems like it’s more of the same, to which I say: hell fucking yeah.

    Seriously, who doesn’t want a game about how the Nazis (more Templar stooges) have a lunar base thanks to the machinations of the Pope? Not wanting that game makes you un-American, I think.

    Comment by Stephen | 22 November 2010

  2. Also, in related news, from a comment on the A.V. Club’s review of the new AC game: “I would probably say that Assassin’s Creed 2 is the second best game I’ve ever played, after GTA: San Andreas.”

    I wonder if maybe this guy has only played 3 games: San Andreas, AC2, and Daikatana?

    Comment by Stephen | 22 November 2010

  3. Okay, I’ll believe that. Kotaku is, as I believe I alluded to in my original post, completely awful. So I can accept that I failed to extract the truth from their garbage writing.

    And, yes, I’d agree; vague hints that the Supreme Court might be a front for the Templars is a way better plot point than actually sending you to murder justices for their role in a decision that’s unpopular with stupid hipsters who don’t understand it.

    And nothing I’ve seen from A.V. Club inclines me to believe that their reviewers have ever played any games at all. Very much including the ones they review.

    Comment by Darien | 22 November 2010

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