Not as exciting as I’d hoped
BioWare just announced Mass Effect 3! I mean, we knew it was coming, but the announcement’s a lot earlier than I expected. Maybe it’ll be out in 2011 after all.
On the other hand, they didn’t announce a date; just that it’s coming out sometime. And they put out a trailer I won’t watch, since the Mass Effect 2 trailer apparently was one giant fucking spoiler for the amazing intro.
EA’s taking preorders (though Steam is not yet), and it looks like they’re jumping on the Ubisoft bandwagon and charging PC players the absurd Xbox premium — all three versions are running at $60. That’s a bit annoying, but, unfortunately, I think I’ll end up paying it this time, since I’m quite keen to play this one. Mass Effect was pretty damn good, and Mass Effect 2 was legitimately great; if Mass Effect 3 plays mostly the same, but somehow doesn’t contain any idiotic Bioware design decisions — such as planet scanning for iron ores — then we can expect it to make it into the conversation about the best games of whichever year it comes out in.
On the other hand, if they decide it’s the big finale and should be stuffed full of fucking static cutscenes and terrible minigames, well, I’ll be expecting them to return my $60. You think they’ll go for that?