Dice of Hilarity +5
I’m keen on dice, since I’m a gamer from way back. I always loved playing with the boring old white spot d6 that came with every board game I ever had, and when I got my first set of decent polyhedral dice (which I still have), I was just thrilled. I was probably nine at the time. What I enjoy even more than normal dice, though, is ridiculous novelty dice. Which brings me to the funniest set of novelty dice in my collection:
Aww yeah. Kama Sutra dice. Can you seriously look at those and not at least chuckle? Or, if you’re like me, giggle?
Well, if you can, allow me to tempt you further: they come with an instruction sheet describing a "game" to be played with them. The instruction sheet, of course, is entirely comedy ("If at this stage you wish to keep playing, somebody should be chosen to find the dice"). I mean, sure, the product’s a bit lowbrow, but, hell, it’s funny. And they’ll give me TEH MONEYS if you click through on that and buy one — or some other comedy dice, for that matter — and I consider this to be a plus.