The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

Double trouble

The Exorcist is one of my favourite tanks. Not only does it fill a much-needed long-range tank busting and anti-goddamn-Carnifex role for a Witch Hunters army, but it also looks absolutely insane. Stained glass? check. Pipe organ? Double check. The kit is a bit more expensive than most tanks, but I found out why when it got here: there are about seven hundred million parts, and half of them are metal. Which also means it’ll be the heaviest tank in my collection, easy.

Not all is sunshine and rainbows in tank land, however. As you can see in the below image…

The Missing Link

… there’s a piece missing. And not a trivial piece, either — an entire section of the pipe organ / missile launcher unit! And that’s my most favourite piece! So I e-mailed the store, and the dude there called Games Workshop, and they’re shipping me out a new one, so it’s fine.

I mean, they’re shipping me out an entire new tank. For free.

So what, you say? I’m still stuck with one incomplete Exorcist, which one must admit would look a bit pants on the battlefield. But there’s a catch here. Part of the reason the Exorcist kit costs as much as it does is because it’s basically a mod. The kit contains a whole bunch of metal parts to be used to convert an Immolator into the gigantic pipe organ of death. But since it’s a complete kit, and not a conversion kit, it also includes the base tank. Read: all necessary pieces to make a fully-functional Immolator are present in this box. The missing part is from the Exorcist conversion bits, so if I elect to build these bits into an Immolator, there won’t be any blemishes. And I can fancy it up with some of the Exorcist’s crazy decorative side panels if I so desire, since I have all that too. For free.

Games Workshop can feel free to send me kits with missing pieces as often as they like.

January 14th, 2009 Posted by | Warhammer 40k | no comments

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