The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

What the fuck is wrong with British people?

I think this is the dumbest news story I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I mean, I’m not doubting its accuracy, but I have to expect that "squirrel eats squirrel-flavoured potato chips" is probably the very bottom thing on the slow-news-day pile.

Wait, what-flavoured potato chips? What the fuck?

March 16th, 2009 Posted by | Bullshit, Food | 3 comments


  1. Okay, I thought I had heard of some strange potato chip flavors before. It turns out I was grossly mistaken. All the other flavors I had heard of, when I think about it, make sense in concept even if they fail in execution.

    I might try the fish & chips variety if I had the oppor-tuna-ty. It’s kinda funny to think of fish & chips as a flavor of chip in the American sense.

    Comment by Nyperold | 16 March 2009

  2. I’d try the crispy duck variety.

    I had squid chips once. They weren’t squid flavoured — they were thin-sliced crispy fried wafers of squid, seasoned with something ‘orrible. I didn’t much care for those.

    Comment by Darien | 16 March 2009

  3. Crispy duck chips actually sound pretty good. I’m not too excited about the other flavours, though, and squirrel stew chips are downright scary.

    But then, I love Utz’s Crab Chips, so you probably don’t want to listen to me.

    Comment by Ama | 16 March 2009

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