The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

More bullshit from Crazy Ozzie

"We played 14 innings because we were lousy in the field. Lousy and lazy in the field. I never criticize my players for making errors, I never will. But when you make a lazy error, that really [bothers] me. I made a big mistake when I said in January he’s going to be a better shortstop than Ozzie Guillen. I never thought I was that bad."

Yeah, that really did come out of that man’s mouth. It’s time to play everybody’s favourite game: "How many ways is Ozzie Guillen wrong?"

1) He says he never does, and never will, criticise his players for making errors. And then he immediately starts criticising a player for making errors.

2) He never thought he was that bad. Clearly, he misremembers.

3) The White Sox played 13 innings, not 14.

June 27th, 2009 Posted by | Baseball | no comments

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