
Donkey Konga

System: Gamecube
Release Date: 2004
Published By: Nintendo
Reviewed by: Darien

Faggy drum game!

Okay, let's be fair. Gay though it may be, the drum game is actually a lot of fun. Its only major drawback is a lack of play depth; there are only so many songs (damned if I'm counting, but it's not very many), and the lower skill levels are too easy. So you'll spend the first quantity of time with this game playing on the medium difficulty ("chimp") unlocking the hard versions ("gorilla"), then you'll basically play the hells out of the hard versions for the rest of whatever.

Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that. There's always a lot of room to improve your play here - perfectionists will have fun trying to get gold emblems for each song, and those who are truly a pain in everyone's ass will enjoy trying to play the songs perfectly. Of course, there's no end in sight - the game lacks a traditional ending or any sort of traditional goal. It's just something to do now.

In addition to the gorilla songs, coins earned can be spent to buy extra voice sets and minigames. The voice sets are fun, though not terribly useful, and the minigames are crap. So that's all for that. There is multiplayer, though that requires multiple drum sets - chances are only the serious Konga enthusiast has more than one set, and it's no damn fun playing the game with a regular GCN controller.

I would say pick it up if you're looking for something unconventional and fun that you can come back to time after time, but not if you're goal- or story-oriented, and certainly not if you hate looking gay.

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