
of Death

- Rules and Information -

How to Play

Spaceship of Death is a multiplayer game in which the players are out to kill one another. The game is set, aptly enough, in a spaceship, and there are many rooms and many items lying about. The items are useful for killing other players, and for protecting oneself from being killed. But if you do get killed, don't worry; you lose the rest of your actions for that day and drop all the items you're carrying, but you'll be ready to play again tomorrow. The game keeps going, players continuing to return to life, for a certain amount of time (set by the administrator), at which point the player with the most kills wins. So good luck, and happy murdering!

The Items

The present version of SSOD contains fifteen different types of items. Those items, in turn, are divided into three categories: weapons, ammo, and shields. Weapons are for killin' people - you can't kill anybody without one. But your weapons won't be usable without the right ammo - in the future, see, nobody has easy weapons like knives or clubs. But each weapon also has a corresponding shield - anyone with the right shield will not be harmed by your attacks, and will be allowed a free counterattack against you. So watch out for that. Players may carry up to three items at a time. The items are as follows:

Laser RifleHuge BatteryPocket Mirror
Heavy Machine GunBelt of AmmoPair of Bulletproof Sunglasses
Nuclear Hand GrenadePlutonium CorePortable Bomb Shelter
Killer RobotRemote ControlRobot Repellent
SyringeVial of NeurotoxinFuturistic Medicine Kit

Background Information

When I was a kid, I used to play around on all the local BBSes. One of them - an Atari system - had a door game called Spaceship of Death that I (and my brother) killed many hours of free time playing. This game is my homage to the original SSOD - it's not exactly the same, to be sure, but it's in the same vein.

Which isn't to say that any part of this game is copied from the original. This version is all-original, handcrafted PHP meticulously banged into a computer by me. And this version is not going to be bound to the scope of the original; I fully plan to expand the game, adding many new types of items and gadgets and gimmicks that the original SSOD never had. So we'll see what happens with that.


Creator, Designer, Programmer, and all-around swell guy: Darien
Special Thanks To: Sam Stoddard, for his willingness to help
Special Thanks To: Dave Barker, authour of the original Spaceship of Death
Special Thanks To: The creators of PHP, for their oh-so-helpful error messages
Special Thanks To: Dreamhost tech support, for debugging my scripts for me


Questions, comments, suggestions, or insults? Send them right along to darien@perfectlydarien.com

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