So this is pretty much exactly the same as on the main blog page, but I’ll reiterate. Comments are welcome, but, as an anti-spam measure, you’ll have to register and log in. I promise that I won’t harvest your personal information and sell it to bad guys unless they offer me a whole shitload of money, in which case, well, we’ll see.
You’re also going to have to have one comment approved by me before your comments will start appearing to the general public. This, also, is an anti-spam measure. If you don’t like this policy, feel free to leave a complaining comment on this page, and we’ll see if I approve that shit or not.
Anybody who’s already registered on the main blog will have to register a new account on this blog also in order to comment on it. This is because I am far too lazy to copy everybody’s account settings over. But it’s not like registering is altogether that hard, is it? That’s what I thought. So hop to it, gumshoe.